Museum Mission Statement
The Lomita Railroad Museum seeks to inspire curiosity about and enjoyment and understanding of railroads by collecting, preserving, exhibiting and interpreting memorabilia, trains, and other items associated with railroading.
Museum Objectives
Archive, maintain, and display the Museum’s collection of artifacts from the steam railroad era
Educate the public about the past, present and future of railroads and transportation, and about the history of Lomita, Southern California, and the Westward Expansion
Serve as a community center for Lomita and the South Bay and a destination point for railroad enthusiasts from all over
Lomita Railroad Museum Foundation
Supporting the mission of the Lomita Railroad Museum
The primary purpose of the Lomita Railroad Museum Foundation is to secure resources necessary to assist the Lomita Railroad Museum in its goals of preserving the history of railroads and U.S. Westward Expansion, inspiring future generations, and educating the community about the past, present, and future of railroad technology and innovation.
Sharon Abbott
Susie Dever
Paula Perea
Katy Tamer
Judy Brown
Catherine Hutchinson
Nancy Borland
Steve Huhta
Board Members

Your Generosity is Appreciated
Dear friends,​One of the Lomita Railroad Museum Foundation’s primary responsibilities is to raise funds for the special needs and programs of the Museum. Donations from supporters like you are vital to accomplishing goals related to the preservation of this historically significant monument to railroading history.​Your financial contributions will be put to good use as we work to improve the Museum, refurbish rolling stock, and maintain exhibits.​Thank you for your consideration.​The Lomita Railroad Museum Foundation
For more information, call (310) 326-6255 or email: LOMITA.RR.MUSEUM@GMAIL.COM